Soy Ngäbe, Soy Bugle, Soy Panameñ@

Yomira John, Kanabiz, Lucy Cristina Chau, Said Isaac, o Nelva Reyes son algunas de las y los panameños reconocidos que han prestado su vos y su rostro a la campaña "Soy Ngäbe, soy Buglé, soy panameñ@". En ella, denuncian con templanza las violaciones de derechos humanos registradas en el informe de varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil que han documentado el uso excesivo de la fuerza, la arbitrariedad y la violencia sexual empleada por la Policía durante la represión de las protestas antimineras de febrero en el país.

El Gobierno de Panamá está dilatando las negociaciones con los pueblos originarios Ngäbe y Buglé sobre el desarrollo de megaproyectos en su territorio autónomo, ta y como han denunciado sus autoridades tradicionales, pero la solidaridad en torno a su causa sigue creciendo.

El video de la campaña, realizado por Cooperativa Audiovisual y dirigido por el director Guna Orgun Wagua, fue rodado en Espacio Común (vea las fotografías) y está siendo difundido a través de las redes sociales. Usted lo puede ver aquí, contagie la ola solidaria compartiendo el post.

1 comentario:

  1. The
    Ngäbe-Buglé are my friends and neighbors ,I have my home next to the
    Comarca, teach in their village schools, and respect and admire much
    of their cultural values, President Martinelli helps me with supplies
    and money for materials to teach and in my opinion a good guy trying
    to help the indigenous with a large foundation funded by his grocery
    store business (largest in Panama). He was elected by the party of
    progressive Panama businessmen that are making it better for
    foreigners like me to live and work in Panama. US educated and
    committed to capitalism and free markets with his MBA.from Harvard.
    Now he is in a battle for control of the land belonging to the
    Ngäbe-Buglé Comarca not Cerro Colorado Copper a rich multinational
    corporation that could bring in loads of cash in taxes from mining
    the copper, but that would mean destroying the jungle on the
    mountain!, pollute the rivers and kill the wildlife and sustenance
    they live on as they have for more than 600 years of European
    invasion, and probably much longer than that!. They are not backward
    or retarded, they have elected a woman as chief tremendous progress
    for this culture!!
    It is the classic clash also 600 years old worldwide being played
    out in the Jungles of Panama. Descartes and Kant dualist's
    acknowledging that reality is made of 2 parts the logical brain the
    conscious scientific materialism of Newton, one part but the much
    larger part is subconscious,quantum mechanic s reality , spiritual
    reality!! that resides in our sub-conscious and is common to the
    entire universe of CG Jung on one side (the Indigenous who see nature
    as part of their life and their relationship to god and and their
    responsibility is to protect God's creation for spiritual reasons
    salvation and eternal life! they will die for that commitment!
    The other side represented by the, "Absolute Idealists" of Hegel
    Newtonian physicists and the entire western society sees the mountain
    as a source of the raw material copper that can make many or the
    richest people on earth even richer.
    mountain and the jungle alone and the home of the people who live
    there as an international treasures, protect them from the
    Copper Conquistadors. UCL John
